
Smoking & Cigga

I hate smokers..i hate the smell..i hate the good looking guy and girl who destroy their beautiful skin by sucking on the white stick.
I'm not trying to judge people that were smokers...or maybe i should not put the " hate" words..other who read this will call and banned me for being "haters"..
but i don't mind..this is a state of mind...my mind
I've been living in a foggy....sweet taste of cigga before i was born..
my grandpa smoke..my dad smoke...i had a couple of boyfriend who smoke and i landed my smoker husband into my life "sigh"
I try to stop her...stepping my foot,make irritating mimic and actions every time he open his cigga box,i even manage to push my MIl to lecture Bob about this smoking habit....with knowing She also failed to stop my Fil to stop smoking for 25 years.I try maa...
Here in china: a man can't drink..than it won't matter...but if he don't smoke..they call him Pussy..
that was unfair....
I was threatening him that i would join the smoking club if he don't stop smoking....me being so childish.But after 1 minutes..i decide to pull back my vote...i dont' smoke..that simple
Bob has reduced his bad habit quite good...his cigga tar has been lower to 8 MG.
I dare him to try the indonesian one..he try the sampoerna a mild..and he had major headache...
wat if he try 234 black.. will he passed out?
i had no idea when he gonna stop smoking....maybe he will..maybe he won't..but i will never stop trying...

Last nite the Agent call us to check 2 apartment (yeah apartment hunting)..
the 1st one: average...on the 14th floor..the view nice...very clean..big bedroom..smell good,kitchen perfect,bathroom bright ****
the second one : 15th Floor...big....so big...big and big...
i like how the owner make a small room for his wife..shelves and rack...
i can imagine wat the benefit of that rack if that was mine ...
Tadaaa..like this:
* ain't it the pretiest view of the day?*

Me and Bob like the 1# one..it good enough for us...the second one was too big..i can't handle the cleaning department by my self..and the balcony was too big...it's such a waste..
i told the agent try to bargain the price...we not hesitating ...i assure that i like it..the way it were...but with more cheaper price...
One have to bargain.

We gonna see another apartment tonite after work.

Ps; Bob got invitation to visit Maputo,South Africa from his Client. he will be away from me for 15 -18 days.we still waiting for his Visa to come out and then we can broadcast the news.

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