

I'm Officially 29th years old today.
Oh God.....thank You for the best 29 years that i had,with your full blessings.


3 more days

In 3 & a half day I'll be in Jakarta,Yippee....

1.Lots of amazing foods (aah i can't wait for my first meal)
2.Gotta meet my darling lovely friends.
3.More and more good foods and snacks and cakes
4.Sandals,short pants and humid hot weather.
5.I'm sorry,but all i can think about is foods and seafood and more foods .

Can't wait..Can't wait

Sunday with Connie & the new lens

My birthday is coming soon in a few weeks.
Like always I'll go out and buy something for my self.
This year i choose to "give" my self a new lens addition:
Canon 50mm ft 1.4
I had done some research for quite a long time regarding this lens.
So far more Plus mark then minus.

So yesterday I dare myself to try the new lens with Connie and i can't say more..
I'm so in love with it.
now Connie got more reason to go out for a walk during weekends thanks to the new lens.

By the way Congratulations to Guangzhou for the successful ASEAN GAMES Opening


Another 2 months

Oh God,it's been 2 months since my last post.
(scratch scratch)...super sorry.
A lot of things had happened during this 2 months:
1.I resign from my old position .
2.due to the resignation term,all of my clients coming to Guangzhou (they afraid whoever following their order wont be capable doing the works like I do('proud').
3.so I had to do some arrangements to each of the clients, I need to show the new co-worker on how the clients want their work to be done,step by step.
4.No day off,working nonstop,i don't even had my weekends.
5.no time to blogging (passed out once reached home).

6.after all the clients gone home,my new Boss come (dying mode).
7.i need to prepare all documentation and etc etc stuffs for the new office.

Ya...i got myself a new job..xi xi xi..
it's moving on the LUXURY ITEMS (it's branded and we had a contract,so i cant describe more,nothing illegal rooor).

and to add all this hectic months:

1.our apartments ready liao.
2.we had to start doing some necessary construction work for the apartment.
3.Bob was busy with his job and i had to deal with the construction .
4.To add things more spicy "my maid fell down from i don't know where and she need a bed rest for 1 months.Bless her soul & body though.
5.I need to help Bob find the right furniture & electrical idea,planning the budgets.

I wish i had an extra hands.


Me & her moment

Salary Day Dinner

Every once in a while,whenever we got the paycheck,i just had to treat Bob for dinner.
this time we choose Korean (i haven't had any Korean man..eh i meant foods for almost a month).


For Connie:
1.1st time swimming.

2.1st mud spa.


Chinese Valentine Day

Last week was the Chinese Valentine day festival.

Its not the first time for me n Bob,but this dinner was the first time for both of us.

so I'm so looking forward for the dinner(not really hue hue hue)
1.Nice glossy hair check

2.Sexy dress check

3.High Heels check

4.Gloss,mascara,powder check,check,check

Arrive @ Casa Louisa at 19:00....so many couples..i felt awkward(i don't really into romantic stuff) and the heels is killing me.

Foods starting to pop out,toast,foods,another toast.
(the food was good,not liking the wine though)
I'm full,Bob had to sneak out to have his ciggie moment, i got bored and start nick knacking my i phone...Ow yeah..wi_fI is On...I'm into facebook now.
Bob come back and He got busy with his work email.
I start nagging...err..B..boring..lets go...oo...full..need to feed Connie and take her for a walk. (see..I'm not romantic at all)
I do say thank you to Bob for being such a nice lad taking me for dinner.


New Design

Look good or not?compare to the old one...
aw darn i forgot to save the Old Design...
anyway I got a bunch of pics that need to be edit awww..so tired..
and I'm thinking to get the PREMIUM account from the picnic..
the web gonna make my photo editing fast..yeah i need to save more time.
Now i need to think what should i told Bob when i ask for his Visa Card...ehm...

By the way today is the Chinese Valentine Day
Bob already booked a seats for our First time C-Val day...can you believe that after 3 years together??????

hope i can snap a good pictures with my Phone..
DSLR not romantic at all to be taken to the table.

Ps: i was wondering wer did Ci Ivy do these days? no love blog anymore,beb?


MJ Broadway show

Last Saturday , me and Bob got the chance to watch the Broadway show tribute to MJ.
it was awesome show.
people just dancing and singing the whole show.
just having fun.

I was not feeling good that day..but i had to go anyway.
the ticket was not cheap and its not everyday you can get the British broadway show in Guangzhou.
but as soon the music On...i was dancing the nite off (at least for 2 hours)
now i know why RED BULL was the main sponsor for the show.

Too bad, we cant take any INDOOR photos during the show.


I want Back

i want to be back again.
lets do it!!!!


ON guard?

Ugh...Caught red-handed sleeping while on duty



I'm Going to Thailand for my CNY holiday....with The girlfriends from the office..
Will update once I'm back...
Mmmuaccch -------> Wiwin