
Chinese Valentine Day

Last week was the Chinese Valentine day festival.

Its not the first time for me n Bob,but this dinner was the first time for both of us.

so I'm so looking forward for the dinner(not really hue hue hue)
1.Nice glossy hair check

2.Sexy dress check

3.High Heels check

4.Gloss,mascara,powder check,check,check

Arrive @ Casa Louisa at 19:00....so many couples..i felt awkward(i don't really into romantic stuff) and the heels is killing me.

Foods starting to pop out,toast,foods,another toast.
(the food was good,not liking the wine though)
I'm full,Bob had to sneak out to have his ciggie moment, i got bored and start nick knacking my i phone...Ow yeah..wi_fI is On...I'm into facebook now.
Bob come back and He got busy with his work email.
I start nagging...err..B..boring..lets go...oo...full..need to feed Connie and take her for a walk. (see..I'm not romantic at all)
I do say thank you to Bob for being such a nice lad taking me for dinner.

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