
Women day

Happy Women day "Chinese Version" --? is there any other version??
3.8 = San Ba 三八
I don't get it,why they don't choose other date? why 3.8,FYI in china we usually call ladies/old women that talk to much "3.8" ha ha....get it?
the "one" that declare the women day must be a man,because only Gay man that can be 3.8
So every time this day come,all department stores were having major big discount on every items,and it's wrapped in pink Ribbon...
gosh can u imagine a 3 door fridge wrapped in a jumbo pink ribbons with a sign "30% discount to celebrate the women day"--> i never understand it ever!!
are We women were related so close to discount label?
as i saw in Guangzhou department stores yesterday,the ladies are shopping madly and the husband/boyfriend sobbing almost reaching the break down level ha ha ha...
I don't get anything this year,not that i got anything last year.
I don't celebrate this shopping idea,it's like all u can eat for 1 day, i choose to shopping when i want to..and i'm gonna buy a small gift for my self tonight for good behaviour during weekend on Bob's Card (he insist!!) thanks Bob..u were such a darling

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