
5 Things I can't live without

1.Chili sauce
From Shrimp paste,ABC sauce,sweet sour spicy sauce,i will surrender my self completely to any spicy sauce.

2.Guling (long Pillow)
I need to hug and sniff the "guling" 15 minutes before sleep-during sleeping,while watching movies,the minute 1 woke up.

Any type,Gossip,fashion,animal,plant,politic. I need it in the bathroom.

any type of music, need it to make me sleep if I'm alone,shower,jogging,write my blog,Alarm,doing household chores.

5.Contact lens
I can't go and meet people with my "nerd" glasses hang on my face,contact lens..contact lens make me Perfect!!


Suri said...

OW thanks...
But i can't see your blog though hehe...

elsa-is-here said...

Hahaha... i can't sleep without bolster too.... *tos*

Suri said...

Wat is Bolster,Sa??
u nick-name your Pillow?