
Manga of the day

I've been reading Manga during office hours (bad..bad..bad).
I found that reading through website was faster than holding the comics and lately I've been having a flashback on my teenage life,the life that circulate on Comics Books only.
I'm such a total nerd regarding comics,if had a new books i will read nonstop till it finish( don't care if I'm in the toilet,breakfast,lunch,dinner,sleep time)
it's like craving for foods for others and my cravings only on comics.
I Love GRAMEDIA & GUNUNG AGUNG so bad,i rather be there than buying clothes/foods.

ah still remember the low price of comics book 1000 IDR and now jump to 15000IDR or up?? don't know anymore..

During my teenage life,i had collecting more than 600 Comics book (i only collect good quantity stories and pictures from the best know comics author,so i think i spend the money wise).
I do spent a long time to source some of the comics,through friends,flea market,old bookstores.

My Mom did not throw away my Comics( bless her good soul),she still take it out and leave it for a couple of hours to let the comics absorb the fresh air and put it back into the cartoons once in every 6 months.
I will lost my mind if she throw it away,they are my life,a decade ago i told my sister and brother,if i died,please cremate by body and my comics books all together (can we do that?).

By the way,i had spoke to my Mom about my comics,it would be good if she can sent it all to me,and like always her reaction would be : are u insane? i will bring a dozens when i visit u and u will take back a dozen when u going back to Jakarta,that's it. Don't think about sending it to China,bo kang co ya lo!!!!

Talking about dead and cremate,today all around china still having "Ceng Beng celebration" "Ancestor Reverence".
China government had declare a public holiday starting from last Saturday till Monday,but like always Our boss will had no "feel" on this event anyway,we still had to come to office on Monday anyhow.(psst...i just find out today is Boss Birthday)
But Can't do any office work at least for today,all market still closed,supplier going back to their hometown,it's so quiet,there is no traffic jam,all staffs come to office on time.

So i better start my manga reading,here is the list of the day:


Amelia said...

kok baca komik2 lama?

iya mahal pol skrg komik aku sampe takmampu beli
mending buat makan

Suri said...

Iya..abis komik22 baru ude ga menarik..so flashback lage deh..hihi..
Harga komik now..edan22an...ga kuku belinya...