
39 more days to go

the magic words: APPROVED...
my heart..boom..boom...Happy...
i forgot my anger for the SGS inspection.
.i forgot how lazy the warehouse worker and how silly the driver act..for making a nick name for me...
i just know... to sent SMS to bob .
and he inform me..he will take my ticket this afternoon..
ooh yeah..I'm going back to Jakarta..for 9 days..
I've been lost weight..losing my appetite...i just so homesick..I'm afraid if i get the NERVOUS breakdowns or something..
First I'm planning to go back for 7 days..but..i need to re-new my visa and i don't know if the Embassy gonna need more time..so 9 days is better than 7..

oh yah..last nite was a farewell dinner for Lady Anna,she and my FIL drinking too much white wine..they become numb and act silly..(BORINK!!!)

and My Mil also tell me that her friends had a new space open in her office,they gonna need foreigner worker..Indonesian would be good..since the person will be handling all Indonesian customer...and Mil also saying that it would be better if both me and bob not working in the same company,as if something bad happen to company...then at least one of us still working..Good idea..
call my mom 20 minutes later..she told me: better check it wisely and clear,since my status are foreigner..and china immigration are bad boys..they will not allow..any prone mistake..
so later i will tell Bob..maybe i can have a meeting with that company...just see and check..
omg I'm so happy..
beside meeting my family..i also planning to meet some of my forum friends..it's gonna be fun to meet them..
last Sunday me,bob,Pablo & his g'fren Emily went to this old city..20 minutes from my area...i upload lots of photos to my face book acc..so..not gonna upload things here...

oops..gotta make a note on my schedule ..gotta order b'day cake for My mom..2 weeks before going back...(making note now!!)

i'm thinking about 12 cupcakes..or a normal b'day cake..but full with heart symbol..

and for me.. cup cakes---> for sure..
I'll make an order from Ci Suli..( she make the best cake in town..that wat i read on her blog..)

Grateful to know her

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