
Tuesday 15:41

Just got back from the loo...loo?
had time to do some cartooning pictures...

Voila...My beloved co-worker...

Complaining time:

1. Ini Customer yah..barang sudah jadi,sudah di kirim...lusa nyampe malahan di Portnya..masi aja ubek22 harga..kenapa toko ini tulisnya kok murah....sedangkan barang kita mahal...
Gile ude telat gini baru kasi data...yah percuma gt loh....
lagean sendiri juga yang mau : cepetan cari...cepetan bikin sample,cepetan kirim-in...oww.Headache!!..banyak mau nya yah...
*tapi emang bener seh..kacak harganya terlalu jauh...but quality beda seh...
2.Panas neh...no air con...tukang aer galon masi blm dtg anter aer...wadaw..persedian aer di botol gua menipis neh...musti ke dapur ambil deh..
3.just want to close my eyes..and sleep 2 jam haha...
4.want to go back to jkt..and smash that butt head people...
5.How many time did i had to inform you all,,I'm not working in the shipping department...I'm not the one who making the BL,packing list,invoice and segala macam tetek bengek...I'm MARKETING..
6.Stop watching Movies at office time Plz...i can't even open the local website..Dammit!!
7.Fixed the damn Air-con...for Whoever sake! it's like in sauna everyday from 9 to 18:00...

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