
Sway away....from Office

Preparing & Preparing..Check if i left anything...
I'm going to airport to pick Up my customer...
Gonna be away from office for 7 days,had to work on the weekend from 9 till 18:00
"resiko"to be part of the marketing department..

Hope any good news on other order!!

i hope now blogspot can be access easily and anytime..Please don't block it anymore....

PS: had the courage to blogging again since multipy because Ci Ivy' Blog,I love reading her Blog,hope she don' mind


Suri said...

Ah Finally my 1st# input Hehe..Yippi..

Ivy said...

Aloo suri... dropping by ^^ btw, how do u know about my blog? Thanks for taking the time to visit though ^^

Suri said...

wah yg pertama kasi Comment...huehue